Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Friday (so far =P)

Hello =D

So today is Friday, Pete's last day off. And we are going to go see The Batman movie. Pete has been wanting to see it for a long time lol. I'm pretty sure it will be good, the first one was really entertaining. Also i am going to finally make those cupcakes today *Promise*, i have been putting it off for a couple days now O_o lol

Also i am going to try and get back into my regular routines for around the house. This whole freelance cleaning thing just isn't working lol. I started a website to try and meet other housewives. Hopefully it will get more members than just me lol. I also made it to help out on budgeting, tips, routines, and just being able to chat with friends. Please feel free to check it out.

Okay well thats all for now, Picture time ^_^

Here is my Zoe cat <3

My other girly-kitty, Chibiusa

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